Friday, 17 May 2013

What Makes Web Content Worth It?

Many self-proclaimed SEO experts will tell you that a Java script or a call to action will get you the results that you have been looking for from your website. But, that’s not the case! As the biggest and richest media company in the world, Google points out, there is nothing more important than quality web content to get you the top search engine slot.

The major difference between a high ranking and low ranking website is - content. With so many website owners going the SEO-friendly way, they tend to forget the importance of rich and quality content. The latter loses a lonesome battle to the chic banners and flash-based designs that ultimately result in the high bounce rates on the websites. Any visitor on your site leaves immediately on finding some verbage (verbiage + garbage) being posted in the name of web content. Therefore, it is the written text that counts more than just the images.

For a website to become Google-friendly, it is imperative to have good content. Written text on the website needs to be informative, well structured, simple to comprehend and free of glitches to make an impression on the readers’ minds. There are several aspects of good writing that need to be kept in mind while drafting online content for a website, such as:

Spelling and Grammar

A good website will have the least spelling errors and grammar mistakes. Remember that Google not only wants informative content, it also wants content that makes sense. Always spell check and do a double of grammar check for your website content.

Paragraphs and Sentence Structure

The paragraphs need to be short (1-4 lines) and the sentences need to be short, crisp with minimum use of medium or long sentences.


An optimized website content that is woven around the all-important keywords along with the LSI keywords (synonyms or similar keywords) is better than a bland piece of writing. Ultimately, we need the search engine crawlers to easily index our pages.

Frequent Updates

The best part about website content is that it should be dynamic. Frequently updated website content has a better chance of ranking high on the search engines, than sedentary and dormant web content.

Lastly, it is advisable to hire a professional web content writer to provide you good quality content at most times. If a business owner writes his own content, then the use of a proficient copywriter is equally important.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

How to Improve SEO in Vancouver with Social Media

 We know the multiple benefits of SEO in Vancouver. Just to refresh, we can list a few remarkable benefits:

•    Get high ROI

•    Improve long-term promotion

•    Increase targeted traffic

•    Increase brand visibility

•    Higher sales

•    Increased accessibility and cross-browser compatibility, etc.

Nowadays, social media sites have transformed the world of SEO. It was first visible when Google included the various features of these sites, from author reputation to comments, in its search algorithm. The trend has been changing constantly, but some recurring things are visible in the ever-altering landscape. With some considerations, it is possible to make the most out of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. 

SEO experts recommend the following steps to utilize social media:

•    A twin campaign for social media optimization (SMO) along with the mainstream SEO activities, but not before determining the objectives

•    Again, there should be a keyword strategy on the line of standard optimization practices

•    Implement the campaign, while measuring the efficacy of the newly combined strategy of SEO and SMO

•    Incorporate a quality content marketing plan

Like elsewhere across the globe, these are the days of combining SEO in Vancouver with social media. This inter-relation would be clearer, if we consider the significance of staying relevant and at the edge with an effective internet marketing plan.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Internet Marketing Solutions for Small & Mid Size Businesses

 Many people looking for internet marketing solutions in Vancouver for their small or mid-sized businesses think that the solution is all about creating an attractive website and sitting back simply waiting for the profits to pour in. However, the fact is that it needs a lot of effort to get competitive online marketing results including working on the website consistently.

To boost traffic of a small business, it needs:

•    Re-evaluating business target

•    Claiming free business listing

•    Putting calls-to-action and more offers throughout your website

•    Organic Search Marketing

•    Social Media Networking

•    Improving search engine rankings

To boost traffic of a mid-sized business, it needs:

•    Paid Search Marketing (SEM or PPC)

•    Online Priority Placement

•    Search Engine Marketing

•    Building out contents on every page

•    Social Media Advertising (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace)

•    Blogging

•    Email or Newsletter Advertising

•    Optimizing marketing process

•    Banner Advertising

•    Digital PR

For both small as well as mid-sized businesses, internet marketing services in Vancouver are considered powerful media of advertising. Ranging from targeting the right audience to enhancing user experience and promoting business competitively in the niche market; the service deals with all of this and more.

Implementing proven online marketing strategies lies in improving leads and sales. Therefore, these traffic boosting tactics and factors are significant to be considered by the individuals who are getting started with their mid or small-sized business’ online marketing venture.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

How a Professional Website Design Adds Value to your Business?

For most entrepreneurs and solo-preneurs, it is difficult task to manage their expenses. This can be true for most local or small-sized businesses that have to give a thought or two before making an investment, no matter how crucial that investment is for their business. Similarly, in case of website design, many businesses prefer to go for the cost-effective alternative, compromising on the quality and overall appeal of the website.

There is a fine line that separates successful business owners from the rest of the lot. The ones that understand the value of a beginning and make the right investment at the right time are in a better position to earn high return on their investment than those who shy away from investing even a bit of their fortune.

The case of a website is no different. If given a choice, a small business owner opts for a low-cost web design solution compromising on the quality. Thus, he also compromises on the end result yielded from such a website. In the long run, top business owners and successful leaders believe in leaving no stone unturned for the success of even their smallest business idea. The idea of correct investment crops up in their mind and they are willing to make an intelligent investment in quality web design solution in Vancouver.

A professionally well-designed website is like a business card that is more elaborate and available to the online users. The impression that a laminated and hand-printed card makes on the prospective buyers or clients is similar to the one made by a sluggishly designed or a poorly maintained website. A professional Vancouver web design solution lays impetus on the long term return on investment assurance and offers the features, online services and an appealing look that matches up to the appetite of the consumer market online. Such a website could demand an initial investment and such expenses go a long way to benefit the company.  

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Secret of Drupal Web Design in Vancouver

You might want to try the free-hosted websites for your business. The solution might work but you would be missing all the fun. For the want of a personalized publishing platform, you could be as well following a commonplace method, at the cost of losing your business. Would you be willing to fall behind while your competitors outclass you?

Drupal web design in Vancouver offers an ideal way to stay in the game. The better you manage it, the more positive result you can see in your growth. It has well-documented APIs that makes it a favorite among web developers. Yet, the asset lies in its potential to personalize the features and functionalities that directly match your business image. Its room for scalability meets your business aspirations as well.

This solution is clean, clear, visually appealing and you own all of it. The ownership makes your business more credible. Drupal web design in Vancouver is also a blessing for those who are uncertain about search engine optimization.

There are plenty of benefits in store. It offers one of the best ways to organize structure, find and use your content. Its easy-to-use web interface has redefined content management solutions.

In this solution, you should get pre-defined configuration of site features and functions. In-house or hired web designers can further enhance the functionalities and interactive features that would aid in engaging the users and increasing the site traffic. The easy administrator permits make it even a better option for you.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Drupal For Innovative and Creative Web Design

Today, in more than two hundred countries, the demands for Drupal content management system are increasing more and more. Not only the software is easy to install but is simple to use as one is not required to have technical knowledge to operate it.

Be it a corporate site, news site or any other kinds of sites; Drupal for web design can be used effectively and efficiently. According to experienced web designers, the CMS is helping them not only to manage contents over the site but is also proving an ideal way to optimize the sites through effective SEO tools available with it.

The different updated versions of Drupal CMS are making it easier for professional designers to create interactive sites. All versions come with flexible extension of modules and are robust, reliable, efficient, easy to install and uploading and so on.

The most updated version as Drupal 7 is observed to have more improved and added database, usability and security features to create highly innovative web designs. Designers are also utilizing the performance improvement factors in Drupal 7 related to search, documentation, testing, file, image handling and theme systems.

Hence, taking into account the effectiveness of Drupal for web design, modern web development solution experts are serving wide clientele with comprehensive Drupal web design and development packages including consultancy, training and development.

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Concept of Modern E-Commerce Web Design in Vancouver

The list of trends in website layout is long. To create ecommerce websites, it is important for developers and designers to focus on emerging user-interface trends. They need to keep themselves up-to-date with new techniques and other concepts of ecommerce web design in Vancouver.

It is important to organize data concerned with the products or services the website is offering. For this, the website navigation menus can be designed with sub-menu so that the navigation menu can open up to show further functions.  The site with sub menu based navigation makes website interface easy to read, understand and navigate.

Another trendy concept of ecommerce sites is to use animations elegantly. Layout animation styles are observed to improve usability of sites. Another point of concern is the product magnification. Selling goods online is all about captivating more and more audience. It is important to provide quality viewing experience to make selection and purchase decisions simple for audience. Also, designers can use high quality images with a nice viewing setup to add more to the viewing experience.

Customer rating, comments and views are some options to get user feedback. Not only, it is helpful in gaining attention of more new customers but is also beneficial to keep the sites updated.

Along with these, there are much more emerging user-interface trends and new age internet ideas that professional web design experts in Vancouver are following to create quality ecommerce websites. 

Monday, 18 February 2013

Grow Your Business through Growing Internet Marketing

What do SEO, CPI, KPI, CRO, SMM, CTR and the ubiquitous ROI have in common? All of them are in the glossary of the ever-developing internet marketing in Vancouver. SEO is search engine optimization, CPI is cost per impression, KPI is key performance indicators, CRO is conversion rate optimization, SMM is social media marketing, CTR is click through rate and ROI, of course, is return on investment. You can utilize them to promote your products and services and get the most out of your business.

Internet marketing in Vancouver, however, is much more than the above few acronyms.

Experts in the industry are predicting an exponential rise in the number of smartphone users. They recommend a focus on optimizing your websites for mobile and multi-screen experience can make a huge difference. A leading websites also report that 75 per cent of the global population uses mobile phones and the number is rising rapidly. There are also predictions of a growth in attribution tracking, which allows assigning a value to action that result in conversion.

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest are also getting smarter. Then, several nonconventional methods in marketing as diverse as responsive designs, videos, blogs and data visualizations are in the mainstream now. All of these are guaranteed to make an impact like never before. You can bank on them!

Depending on your decision, planning and execution of the various strategies, internet marketing can make or mar your business in Vancouver. Significantly, with its speed, efficiency and reach, any company should inevitably include internet marketing in its marketing mix. Use it or lose your business is the order of today’s business.

It is no coincidence that all the successful businesses have a proper online marketing system in place, starting from creative web designs to aggressive and equally effective social media marketing tactics. Certainly, internet marketing is growing; and you can use it to grow your business as well.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Make Mobile Websites While the Sun Shines

These are the days of iPhones and Androids. Make the best deal out of them by mobilizing your website, which could mean maximizing your business as well! The number of internet users on mobile phones is increasing every day. One definite solution for your business is to make a mobile website to cater to this growing mobile tribe.

It is a version of your website, though designed and enhanced specifically for mobile users. This solution could mean many benefits for a business. The number of visitors would surely increase from those days when you had only a traditional website, which are so inflexible on phones. Then it could further raise the number of prospective clients and customers. An interactive design would also attract more eyeballs. Precisely, making a mobile website is about making a change for the better.

Such a site should improve the user experience. It should grow the brand identity. It should increase the connectivity and download speeds. It should enhance the overall features of a website to meet the users’ requirements. The list goes on. You can get other value-added features as well, as evident from getting a new platform for promotion and the scope for its development with the advancing mobile technology. Consult a mobile website developer for the best solution. Make way for the smartphones. Make mobile websites while the sun shines.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Facebook Graph Search – A Potential Threat to Google?

Facebook’s latest friends-based search tool, Graph Search application might have gone a little too far with the privacy leaks; however, it is being touted to be a potential threat to the search engine giant, Google. With personalized searches based on the information shared with you by your friends or the information that you have shared with them and their friends, you are in a better position at finding people (or professionals), places (or restaurants), pictures (or images) and also interests (gym buddies or book club members) through this latest social search app.

While Facebok’s founder and chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg unveiled Graph Search application, the latest app addition to the social networking site, the online world has already started playing guessing games. In the recent years, Google had been eyeing for a search application to include personal data and information that was more personalized than the keyword-based searches made on it. With the addition of Google +, it had not quite reached where it was aiming to. Cut to, Facebook Graph Search makes a splashing entry… of sorts!

The Facebook search application, that is available to a handful of a billion Facebook users, is an extension of the search that is already available on the social network. The search will allow users to look up for just about any person, place, photos and interests depending on the information that has already been shared with you or what you have shared with your social circle. However, in contrary to the popular belief that graph search violates user privacy, it actually makes available on search only what is set to the “visible” mode by the users. Hence, what is set as “custom” or “only friends” mode is not visible on searches.

How to Play Safe with Graph Search?

With Facebook discontinuing its service to let users opt out from its search results last month, it became quite evident that user privacy would not be that safe on the social network. If you are one of the many worrying about your privacy and social life to be made public via the Graph Search application of Facebook, then it is advised that you make a quick visit to your privacy settings on the site. The top right hand corner of the Facebook page allows you to set your profile and its certain components either visible to you, close friends, friends of friends, made public or you can even customize it for certain friends. Therefore, by limiting access to your maximum information on Facebook, you can stay safe from the privacy hazards of the latest search tool.

Therefore, one can sum up to the fact that Facebook has a lot of potential and can do wonders for businesses that are liked and subscribed by your friends and their friends or people in your city or who share your interests. However, Google remains to be the core of online searching for the online users, marketers, advertisers and businesses. Facebook has a long way to go, still!

Stay tuned to this section for the latest on Facebook’s Graph Search application.